

updated: 2016, october 20th

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just telling a little bit more [about] me here. thanks for coming by; appreciating that :)

showing up [about] sports i love to do, paintings i did or pictures i've taken... :)

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it was [about] time to relaunch my old websites. so i did in 2014 totally. went off of lonley hyperlink-text and grey. colored up, bigger, dynamically.

first time i published my websites in may 1999 already. ages ago... currently few little XHTML-mistakes. but CSS seems to be fine.

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faz. spiegel. euronews. deutsche welle. handelsblatt. stern. wallstreet-online. heise. sunstar. scmp. washingtonpost. guardian. shanghaidaily. tsv-berkersheim. bundesanzeiger.

news - something to read

amazon. expedia. lufthansa. trivago. commerzbank. congstar. decathlon. runme. paypal. C&A. bahn. my-spexx. booking.com.

items - something to spend money with

facebook. linkedin. jkrause. gopip. marco. marco. jens. sven.

social - someone to contact

google. dict. calculator. flickr. youtube. garmin. strato. 1movies.is. burningseries. tubeoffline. onlineftp. fotor. ox. laufrechner. kalenderpedia.

else - something useful
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